The database of best tutorials!
This website focuses on game development tutorials. It offers the best tutorials from the Creator of Kozmobot. Watch if you want to learn! This picture describes one of the most widely recognized projects: Run, Cube, Run! Anyway, the point of this game dev project is that it is all made by one person. The Creator has been learning game development and he wanted to make videos related to what he finally learned from the Unity experts…

Game Development!
The Tutorials are my passion! In this short section, you can see a display of all tutorials that I have created so far. This image only includes tutorials for game development, although there is one Blender tutorial. I call that tutorial a “Game Asset” tutorial, which makes more sense in the heart of game dev’s workspace.
As of May 2024, some tutorials have reached over 10,000 views. Perhaps the game development tutorials were considered the best way to grow my channel, so here is a picture that contains all the tutorials from my channel. Click on the picture if you want to watch tutorials for game development in Unity!

I make tutorials for all kinds of games.
On my YouTube channel, you can see most videos related to 3D platformer creation. These tutorials have been my passion, I was making them along with college obligations. I managed to make 11 tutorials for game development, excluding the Blender tutorial, of which one video contains an FPS game. These videos are considered the future game projects, that will be turned into real games.

3D Platformer
The oldest, the most popular tutorial series! 3D platformer made its first appearance in November 2022, when I was working on the tutorial series that are optimizing the future of my channel. I wasn’t expecting these series to have amazing performance and lots of views. You can learn how to make your own 3D platformer in Unity by watching all videos that will help you on the right way! With these videos, you can make a good quality 3D platformer that will be playable for all platforms – PC, Android, iOS or even game consoles! That is the power of game engines, to make development accessible for more developers!

Endless Runner
These tutorial series have been made as a result of renovation of the first game: Tic Tuc Run. I have come up with an idea for this game in 2019, but after figuring out how to make an even simpler platform generator in 3D, I decided to launch the mini tutorial series, consisting of just three videos. Since March 2024, you can develop your own endless runner game on the easiest possible way! Other parts of the series have also been planned, but these stages will only involve adding some minor details to the scene.

2D Platformer
This kind of game is easier to make and less complex due to the use of only two dimensions. After replacing my game assets with more complex designs, I realized there is not enough place for 2D because it requires to add assets that you have already made and that kind of game development doesn’t work without game design. For that reason, you have to import your own assets into a 2D project and periodically add more details into the scene. 2D is also a mini-series consisting of just four videos, including the new input system tutorial for 2D games.
My website has its own plans for 2023/24: I want to be the creator who wants to make more videos, where people can learn how to use Unity. I also want to let my imagination produce some impact on my game development experience.
Nick R, The Creator of Kozmobot