Tag: game dev intro

  • Game Development Ins and Outs

    Introduction to Making Games in Unity The Creator has been using Unity for five years and he has learned a lot, from basics to harder projects. Making games has never been easy. Even with struggling, the Creator hasn’t been having enough “Ins and Outs” when it comes to making a viable project and never give…

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  1. Nice idea! This character can be used in order to make a very interesting game with logos. When I finish…

Top Down Space Shooter in Unity 2D

In the previous video, I have configured the player to be rotated towards mouse position. I have also realized[…]

Save Level Progress in Unity

How do you save your game progress between scenes in Unity? After finishing the integration of your saving system[…]

Space Shooter in Unity 2D

Easily make a space shooter! With this tutorial, you can make a space shooter game by adding a triangle[…]

Game Development-Unity Tutorials