Category: Unity Tutorials

  • Top Down Space Shooter in Unity 2D

    In the previous video, I have configured the player to be rotated towards mouse position. I have also realized that the image of the player object is rotated 90 degrees, so I have put Z-rotation to 90 degrees. A cool feature that I want to add is the ability to shoot objects at different directions.…

  • Save Level Progress in Unity

    How do you save your game progress between scenes in Unity? After finishing the integration of your saving system in Unity, the thing that you might notice is that it only works in one scene. You are curious how to make multiple levels and ensure that the saving system will save your player’s position, health,…

  • Space Shooter in Unity 2D

    Easily make a space shooter! With this tutorial, you can make a space shooter game by adding a triangle object that will rotate around a planet, which is a circle. The space shooter is one of the most famous game genres, it was in the early days of computer gaming when games like Space Invaders…

  • How to Change Pivot Point in Unity 2D

    Learn how to rotate! The pivot point is a component in Unity that determines where the object will be scaling or rotating. You can change it with a parent object! But how do you change the pivot point of an object in Unity? If you add a new 2D object to the scene, a problem…

  • How to Destroy Object on Tap in Unity 2D

    New Input System If you want to destroy a game object by tapping in Unity, follow these simple steps and you will perform a destroy tap! Since the New Input System is a default choice for my tutorials, I will first teach you how to implement a simple system for tapping and clicking in Unity.…

  • How to Check if a Button is pressed in Unity

    New Input System If you use New Input System, you can make a button check in a much different way: There is no if-statement, you need an input action asset. But how to check if you press a button? That’s very simple! First of all, the New Input System doesn’t have the same if statement…

  • Moving Platform in Unity 3D

    In this video, you will learn how to make a simple moving platform, which will parent your player every time you land on it. The platform will be moved according to waypoints, which will be created as empty game objects that will only contain transform component. The platform will be a child object of the…

  • How to Save Game in Unity

    In this video, you will learn how to save your game progress in Unity. This video will involve C# programming and using JSON Utility for storing game data. The saved data can be stored in a .json file and will be loaded or saved by pressing a button. JSON save Many people who make games…

  • How to Animate a Character in Unity 3D

    Learn How to Animate! Learn how to animate your own character in Unity 3D! You can import your own character or you can download examples from Mixamo. The process is very simple, you don’t really have to use the character that I am using, since it will be for my video game that I plan…

  • 3D Endless Runner in Unity – Player Movement

    Tutorial for beginners! Have you ever wondered how to make an amazing Endless Runner in Unity? This tutorial has everything you need! How to make an Endless Runner in the easiest way? This video is the right explanation! Introduction There is not too much to explain because the scripts are the most important part of…

Latest Comments

  1. Nice idea! This character can be used in order to make a very interesting game with logos. When I finish…

Top Down Space Shooter in Unity 2D

In the previous video, I have configured the player to be rotated towards mouse position. I have also realized[…]

Save Level Progress in Unity

How do you save your game progress between scenes in Unity? After finishing the integration of your saving system[…]

Space Shooter in Unity 2D

Easily make a space shooter! With this tutorial, you can make a space shooter game by adding a triangle[…]

Game Development-Unity Tutorials