Tag: kozmobot

  • How to Check if a Button is pressed in Unity

    New Input System If you use New Input System, you can make a button check in a much different way: There is no if-statement, you need an input action asset. But how to check if you press a button? That’s very simple! First of all, the New Input System doesn’t have the same if statement…

  • How to Open a Door With a Key

    The Creator’s most basic tutorial! This tutorial is basic because of its simplicity. If you need an open door script for your project, this video is made for you! It has not too much to talk about, because you can create a simple cylinder. That will act like a key object. In this video, you…

  • Enemy Shooting in Unity

    Tutorial for Enemy Shooting in Unity. The Tutorial Let’s make the enemy cube shoot bullets to the player! Don’t take this sentence seriously, because it is not intended to sound violent like real life shooting. Anyway, the cube shoots some toy bullets, which are ball shaped and they don’t really harm your player or any…

  • How to Respawn Player in Unity

    Tutorial for Player Respawn. Many people have had issues with player respawn in Unity. This tutorial will tell you how to fix it. Every problem has a solution. The video can fix one of the most recognized issues in Unity… First of all, you need to make a simple script that can power the player…

  • 3D Platformer in Unity – Player Jump

    3D Platformer Jump The easiest guide to make a 3D platformer jump script in C#, this video will help you understand the basics of Unity game development. This is the third part of the tutorial series; next part will focus on camera movement and moving with camera rotation. In this video, I will teach you…

  • 3D Platformer in Unity – Player Movement

    Tutorial for Beginners. The easiest guide to make a 3D platformer movement script in C#, this video will help you understand the basics of Unity game development. In this video, I will teach you how to make a 3D platformer in Unity. It is a super easy-to-follow video that will show you everything you need…

  • Curves in Blender

    Curves in Blender

    Learn to make Curves in Blender! In this post, you will learn how to make curves in Blender and how to use Nurbs Curves for 3D modeling. It is useful for beginners in 3D. It will also help you make an abstract illusion of 3D shapes. Introduction Nurbs Curves You can make something as you…

  • Inktober Camo Drawing

    Camo Drawing for Inktober Challenge. The fifteenth week of 2022 and is very cool. Inktober Camo Drawing is a video on What Nik Designed and it features a new character, Cameca. There is a short story that describes the origin of these characters, who come from a Steampunk Concept Art project. First of all, the…

  • Happy Drawing Everybody!

    @kozmobot.channel Happy Drawing! Let Manikin draw like a pro! #letmedrawyou #manikin #manikinchallenge #happydrawing #artisttiktok #artistunknown #woodenman ♬ Monkeys Spinning Monkeys – Kevin MacLeod & Kevin The Monkey A stop motion video with a manikin. This is a stop motion video with a manikin trying to create a happy drawing. Though it is a bit misleading,…

  • Inktober Micro Drawing

    So small that it can fit everywhere you want - in your pocket, as a smartphone sticker, or as a decoration.

Latest Comments

  1. Nice idea! This character can be used in order to make a very interesting game with logos. When I finish…

Top Down Space Shooter in Unity 2D

In the previous video, I have configured the player to be rotated towards mouse position. I have also realized[…]

Save Level Progress in Unity

How do you save your game progress between scenes in Unity? After finishing the integration of your saving system[…]

Space Shooter in Unity 2D

Easily make a space shooter! With this tutorial, you can make a space shooter game by adding a triangle[…]

Unity Tutorials